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Storage Heaters & Solar PV

Electric Storage Heaters

Storage heaters store heat generated from cheap night time electricity and release it during the day.

They use electricity to heat up ceramic or clay bricks inside them overnight and release the heat gradually to keep your home warm the next day.

Night storage heaters are designed primarily for homes with time-of-use electricity tariffs, such as Economy 7 or Economy 10. These have cheaper rates for electricity overnight (around 12pm-7am but times vary). This means you can use cheaper off-peak electricity to heat your home during the day.


If you home currently has inefficient storage heaters these can be replaced with more efficient storage heaters.


Currently Storage Heater Replacement is only available to home owners

Solar Panels Fitted on a roof

In addition to new replacement storage heaters we will also fit solar panels to the roof of your property FREE of charge

Eco home powered by solar
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